Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Road Signs of Life: Learning From Mistakes and The Blessings of Listening

Have you ever noticed that sometimes, even though people are given a sign telling them the right lane or left lane is closed in two or three miles, people ignore the road signs they are given and continue to ride their lane until they are forced to move over? I was driving home the other day and saw the sign to merge, so I did; however, there were plenty of people that ignored the sign and pretty soon, traffic was backed up because those same people were forcing their way into the other lanes. Those people wait until the absolute last second before they merge into the other lane. I am not saying that I have never been one of those people, but it does make you stop and think why we do what we do sometimes in spite of being given warning signs.

This same concept can be applied to everyday living: to life. Sometimes, we are given warning signs. Our bodies tell us when we are getting sick, but sometimes we ignore it until we feel worse than we would have if we had listened to our bodies. Other times, we are given a feeling not to go down this alley, not to take the bus, to take a different road, and other feelings. Some call this premonition and others call it the Holy Spirit. No matter what you call it, if we listen to those premonitions, we may avoid a car crash, seedy encounters in the dark alley or whatever we may be protecting ourselves from. Or if we ignore those feelings, we may find ourselves in situations that we are uncomfortable with or could lead to injury.

Other times, the premonitions, feelings, little pushes, or the Holy Spirit guide us to blessings too. The most recent example in my own life was simply the little pushes to go to a party that my friend was holding. I was nervous and have a tendency to keep myself from going outside my own set boundaries because I don't want to be hurt, but with the little pushes, I went beyond those boundaries and met some new, amazing people and reacquainted with old friends. If I hadn't listened to the little pushes, I would not have met them and would not be experiencing the life I am experiencing right now.

Whether attributed to the Holy Spirit, premonition, the body defending itself or little, subtle pushes, the road signs of life are important and should be listened to. Like the road signs warning us of lane closures or wrecks up ahead, we are guided by something to protect and save us from events that could cause us harm, whether emotional, physical, or psychological. We are guided to new people that bless and change our lives or hurt us and teach us more than we would have learned otherwise. Sometimes, we never get to see what could have been and we never get to know what would have happened if we hadn't listened. Other times, we see the blessings and grow from the experience.

Any way you look at it, I think it is important to take closer looks at those premonitions, those little pushes, or the still, small voice because you never know what you are being guided to or away from. I am extremely grateful to the universe for the little pushes and the premonitions. I have been blessed in many ways because I chose to listen. And you can be blessed and grow too.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Measure of a Man

I find pleasure in the measure of a man.
His step's direction
   toward good or ill
To define the moments
he chooses to enlighten
    or darken the paths of others.

A man who dwells  in
   the pleasure of pain
at the expense of others
knocks at the doors of

He who thrives in
mercy and sympathetic routes,
seeking nothing in return,
enlightens and awakens the
God within.

How a man chooses his measure
    sends a thrill up my spine
to know there is a strength
in a man
that brings light unto the dark.

Monday, January 20, 2014

"Because I Have Been Given Much": Giving Aide and Succor Where It Is Needed

Tonight, after a race to the gas station, I pulled up to the pump and was approached by a young woman. "Do you have a few dollars you could spare for gas? I need to make it home to Santaquin. It has been a really long day."

I never carry cash and my trepidation, initially, in giving her money is that I don't have a lot of money. I could have told her no, saying that I just don't have the money, but, truth be told, I have the money; I don't have a lot of money, but I have a little. And then the lyrics to the hymn, "Because I Have Been Given Much," ran through my mind. The first verse starts: "Because I have been given much, I too must give." 

Considering the hymn, I responded to her, "I just have my card, so I would just have to go and get some money out for you."

"Would that be okay?" she asked, appearing to be tired and suffering from the aforementioned long day.

"No," I said. "It's no problem at all."

I finished pumping my own gas and asked the gas station attendant to put ten dollars on the pump she was on. He looked a little confused and told me someone else had already put five dollars on. On hearing this, I asked him to change the amount to five dollars, but then I changed my mind. What would an extra five dollars hurt to give her?

She finished pumping the gas as I walked out and thanked me. I told her she was welcome and proceeded to get into my car. I drove home and continued to hum the hymn to myself.

In this time of recession and joblessness, it falls on each and every one of us to lift each other up and give aide and succor where we can. I often find myself wondering what the beggar on the street needs money for and if they are going to use it to buy drugs or beer. However, I realized, especially tonight, it is not for me to decide what they are going to use the money for. What they use the money for is totally on them. What is on me is whether or not, seeing a stranger in need, I give aide and succor to them or deny them the help they say need.

I may not always be able to help a stranger, but I have decided that I will help where I can. I will give aide when I am able, regardless of what they choose to do with that help. Another line from the hymn springs to mind. It goes, "I cannot see another's lack and I not share." 

When we see someone suffering and have the means to help, should we not help? We are all under the same blue skies and we all, at some point in our lives, suffer. We are all connected. Give aide and succor where you can and raise up the poor in spirit to levels of dignity and peace.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Equality Was Forced to the Back of The Bus in Utah Again

There was a point last month that I finally felt like a human being. I felt like I was equal to all the other people in this beautiful country. Same-sex couples were finally allowed to marry and I was finally proud to be a Utahn. However, with the stay of same-sex marriage and Gov. Herbert's letter saying that the marriages that occurred when it was legal will not be recognized by the state, I am no longer a proud Utahn. I, once again, am a second-class citizen.

There is something that gets spouted off by bigots across Utah and across the nation. They say, "I have nothing wrong with you as a person. I love you and I think that you are a good person, but I don't believe what you are doing is right. I don't think your lifestyle is right. I don't think that you should be allowed to marry because marriage is between a man and a woman. We can't change the definition of marriage because it isn't right for two men to marry or two women to marry. What's next? Are we going to let a man marry his dog? But I do want you to be happy and I am very tolerant of you and others like you."

Statements like these, may seem like very supportive and tolerant statements to the people that make them, but they are simply backhanded slaps to the face and punches to the gut. Saying you support someone and want them to be happy and then taking away rights given to them through the law is a two-faced response. You cannot love someone and say you support them, and then advocate for their rights to be taken away from them because you don't "believe" in them.

Also,saying we cannot redefine marriage is erroneous because marriage has been redefined over and over. Men were able to have multiple wives. Men were able to marry and have concubines that they loved more than they loved their own wives. As part of the covenant of marriage, men were able to beat their wives and legally rape their wives. Women were property under marriage vows and not equals. People were only allowed to marry within their same race. When Mormons were practicing polygamy and it became illegal, they were forced out of the country into hiding to continue to practice their beliefs. All of the things that made up marriage and the legal rights of men have changed time and time again. Definitions change and times change.

I don't care if you don't allow same-sex marriage in the temples, synagogues, and chapels. That is your religious right to deny, but to not allow the legal marriage of two adults that love each other is unconstitutional and cruelly unequal. By allowing same-sex marriage, although you blanket your right to keep same-sex marriage from happening under the guise of your religious right, the state is not infringing on your religious rights. However, by not allowing it, you are infringing on my constitutional rights and the rights of all the other tax paying LGBTQ Americans and Utahns.

I can only hope that one day I will be proud to be a Utahn again. I can only hope I can feel like an equal and not a second-class citizen. For now, the words of a poem by Emily Dickinson come to me every moment of the day. She writes, "I'm Nobody! Who are you?/Are you--Nobody--Too?..." I can only hope and be patient that equality is on the horizon and my sense of being a "Nobody" will become a nightmarish past.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Beginning the New Year Off Right

2013 ended with the flu, but it began with me on the mend. Today, was the first day of this whole week I was able to go to the gym. Though it was interspersed with coughing fits, I was able to go for an hour and a half and I feel like a new man again. I will have to take it slowly for a bit, but being able to get my heart rate up again and work my muscles feels so good.

On day two of the new year, I am starting it out with a bang. I haven't suffered from a deep bought of depression for almost a year and I see life as a journey worth taking on. So with a goal for the New Year of continuing on this journey of self-betterment, I am starting the new year off with a healthier outlook than last year began with. I have gone from the darkest hours of life at the beginning of the last new year to brighter today's of the newest and best year yet. I know that struggles will be had and are waiting for me. I am not negating the inevitability of hardship and struggle, but I know I have been through some dark days and I can come out of any possible future ones with a smile on my face and sweat on my brow.

I hope that we all have a great year. I know mine is starting out well and I know that with each new moment comes a challenge and promise of something more. I will take on the New Year with my head held high. I hope each and everyone is able to reach their highest peaks and then reach higher.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Expect More: A Soapbox Response to a News Article and the Comment that Followed

I guess it is time for me to get up on my soapbox about a comment that was made to a link I saw in my News Feed on Facebook. The article was through Edge Media Network and is about a lawsuit that was filed Tuesday in Mississippi and the lawsuit says gay students are being bullied in a southern Mississippi school district. This bullying included a lesbian student made to sit alone in the class when the other students were split into boys and girls. (The article can be found at this link: http://www.edgeonthenet.com/news/national/News//153237/lawsuit:_gay_students_bullied_in_miss_district .)

While the information in this article and the act of bullying in any way are despicable, there was a comment to the link, in which Ms. Landry commented, saying, "I live in Mississippi & I love my state but honestly you can't expect much from a state that still holds KKK conventions! If Blacks can't have respect in 2013 why expect that for LGBT?" There are two things I find erroneous about this comment. The first is that we can indeed expect more from the people of Mississippi who are engaging in such horrendous bullying tactics. Just because the KKK conventions are being held does not mean that we cannot expect more. Expecting less is the reason this bullying warfare (yes, warfare because the students being bullied are bombarded with assault after assault) continues to go on in school districts. Expecting less of the teachers who allow this cruelty to continue is the exact reason bullying continues in the school districts. Expecting less of the parents is the reason the children aren't held to a higher standard when they are in a public forum. Expecting less of the kids in the school and not asking for more respect and decorum in schools is the very reason bullying continues. And finally, expecting the bullied students to just sit back and take it because the teachers, parents and the school district will do nothing to protect them is despicable and should never be expected of them simply because they live in a district that continues to hold KKK conventions.

Finally, stating that because we are in the year 2013 and other's can't expect any respect then why should the LGBT community. Stating that it is the year 2013 does not give any credence to the idea that we are in a civilized world. The year has nothing to do with the mindset of the people...obviously! Also, the LGBT community, the Black community, and every other community can indeed expect respect. It is a right given to us simply by being. And if the communities think because they are Christian that gives them the right to treat others as though they are lesser beings, these same Christian communities need to revisit their Bibles and the words of Christ. Even Christ would not judge the harlot when she was brought before him. If Christ and his words, which are the very essences of Christianity, will not judge a harlot and also state, "Love they neighbor as thyself," what makes it okay for someone to treat LGBT kids or Black people any less than Christ would treat them? Perhaps, they need to rethink their affiliations with Christianity. The message of Christ is love and has nothing to do with color, gender, or sexual identity. Just love! So, no matter what century we are in and no matter what race, gender, sexual identity, or any other thing that identifies us as different, we can indeed expect more. We, in fact, need to expect more or we will, in the end, destroy ourselves.

Expect more of each other. Expect love from your neighbors and your teachers. Expect change from school districts. Expect more! We are all a part of the great human race and simply because we are different from on another does not give anyone the right to treat us as though we are lesser. We all breath. We all love. We all live. And to do nothing and expect nothing is one of the greater sins. Is it not?


Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Fear of Tomorrow and What is to Come

There comes a time in everyone's life that we need to ask: is this all there is? I have reached that point in my life. I cannot tell you how many times I have looked at the minuscule and meager paycheck I receive bi-weekly and have realized that I can never get anywhere on that amount of money. The meager paycheck will continue to allow me to go from paycheck to paycheck and keep the debtors at bay, but is that enough? And lately, the resounding answer to this question is, "No! It is definitely not enough."

With the student loans I already owe, the idea of adding more onto that amount is ridiculous and absurd, but the idea of going nowhere with the current degree I have is disheartening and frustrating. So, today, I begin my journey to obtaining at least a Master's degree in Psychology, if not going all the way and earning my doctorate. It is going to be an interesting journey, but I the field I am looking into will be rewarding in its own way and will allow me to help people.

I am very nervous about this life decision because I cannot see past what is happening today. The idea of tomorrow is very nerve wracking and scary, but if I do not step into the unknown, the fear of tomorrow will never leave me no matter if I choose to go into Psychology or not. Tomorrow is wrought with fear and uncertainty, but it is time to take of these vestiges of fear and dress in the armaments of courage and hope. So, wish me luck! I am definitely going to need it. Namaste.